But, you need to kill him later during “Some Excuses.” If he’s still around when you do the Heist mission, it can have adverse effects which I’ll explain later. Semonov has to die – Yes, you’ll keep him alive long enough to obtain the map.However, there are other key factors that can affect how well the run would go: With all these tasks completed, as well as the four investigations/VR simulations, you’re ready to start the Heist mission. He’ll divulge the password, but you want to let a companion execute him. During this quest, meet Kozlov, kidnap him, and bring him inside the portal to get interrogated. Choose to kidnap him (“Kozlov Kidnapping” mission).
#Chernobylite guide password
Kozlov’s password – Progress through the game until you reach a point when the group asks you what to do with Kozlov.Once you reach the building’s rooftop, you’ll find the map (seen in the image below). Later, you will receive the “Chain Reaction” mission from him. Semonov’s secret passage map – First, you’ll need to meet Semonov in “An Old Friend.” Then, if you shoot down the helicopter in “Big Fish,” you have to help him/keep him alive.Explosives – Found during “Hardware for Real Men.”.Uniform 2 – Found during “Checkpoint Assault.”.

Uniform 1 – Found during “A Few Things from an Old Hideout.”.You’ll also need a few tools that will provide additional options during the mission: Sashko – Can be recruited during “Final Exam.”.Tarakan – Can be recruited during “Crumb Trail.”.Tell Olga about this and you’ll be able to recruit her.
#Chernobylite guide free
Later in “A Voice in the Woods,” you can free him from his cell.